Another Look at Stress

It's been a stressful year for many people, that was preceded by another stressful year, and many are already stressing about what next year will bring.
Tired of Stress

Some of us even worry about the negative effects of stress, which creates more stress.

Meet Kelly McGonigal, PhD, health psychologist, author, lecturer at Stanford, and the lady who just enabled me to take another look at stress - for which I am eternally grateful.

If you deal with stress, and who doesn't, you owe it to yourself to watch this video.

If you handle stress just fine, then watch it anyway so you can share this concept with those who need it.

It's a painless way to do something for others, and give them a new perspective on stress.

You can also learn a bit about oxytocin, a powerful hormone / neurotransmitter.

Here's a teaser of what this brief Ted Talk will cover:

"...better for your health than trying to avoid discomfort."

Take another look at stress and make it your friend!


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