Delegating Responsibility

I have often wondered why people, especially people who are in business for themselves, actually HATE to hire other small business people.

It seems that the average small business owner thinks that they can do it all. Well maybe they can, but can they do it as well as a professional in that field?

Chances are that if you told them that YOU could do what they do just as well, then they would laugh at you, knowing the endless hours and dedication they have put into becoming a professional at what they do.

In prior decades, this "I can do it" syndrome seemed to apply mostly to men, but lately, women have acquired the same paradoxical syndrome.


Perhaps it's because they don't feel appreciated or properly recognized for their business achievements. Perhaps they're just tight-wads.

I once knew a man with above average income who refused to pay for lawn care, even though it was known to be detrimental to his health to continue to cut the lawn himself.

Sadly, he died in his mid-fifties.

Hiring other professionals is a form of delegating responsibility.

Why not let others who can do it better, quicker and with more finesse take on the tasks of life and business that do not fall into your forte in life?

Sure, you can probably fix the plumbing, but how long will it take you to get it right? Is it really worth the time and effort you will expend just to save a few bucks?

I think not.

Everything has to be looked at according to its relevance.

Sometimes it's hard to allow others to do the work that your parents may have done for themselves, but it's a different time and different priorities must be set.

This is not the 1950s. We are not in Kansas any more.

Think about it.

Delegating responsibility can give you more time to spend with your family on things that are actually fun, can give you more time to learn more about your own business, and can give you more time to donate to your favorite charity.

Or, you can keep doing everything for yourself, deprive your community members of your patronage, deprive your family of your good humor and fun, and deprive yourself of a few extra years to spend enjoying life.


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