Back from Mexico

My 16 year old daughter just returned from a week long trip to the Baja Peninsula of Mexico, where she was helping to build houses for the homeless, playing with the children and conducting Vacation Bible Schools.

She was a real trooper! 

First of all, she traveled alone, flying from home to San Diego, where she met up with her team.

After arriving in Mexico, she became accustomed to port-a-potties, showers that consisted basically of a water hose with curtains, sleeping in tents, and being covered in sand most of the time, and... NO Mountain Dew!

All jokes aside, she really found it to be a meaningful experience.  She was amazed at how happy and contented the people were, even though most of them were homeless and many of them were ill or disabled. 

If you have a teen who might be interested in a missionary trip, just head over to for more information.


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